Well, I ran into Belak84 again today while playing on Agent Minion. All he said when he saw me was "Hell............................." So I'm guessing he ran into my loyal followers who have helped avenge your leader. So, I will give all members 1000 ShadowCoins, whether you did anything or not. Also, I am raising the reward to 10,000 ShadowCoins for PWNING his sorry a$$ in PvP and rubbing it in his face. So that's about it. I'll probably make a Wanted Poster for him. I got the idea from one of our clan members.
-Lord Thanatos
This is an AQ Worlds Clan that is dedicated to the ShadowScythe Empire, and yes, I know that it's a DragonFable picture. To find out how to join, refer to the bottom of the page.
"We are the best of the best. We know no bounds. Our only limits are the mortal bodies to which we are confined. We can conquer all of our enemies with a single swing of our blade. We are the ShadowScythe Elites and our actions will be remembered for eons to come." (Motto idea derived from Altair)
Here is a link to our Back-Up Site. Legion Slicer Silencer/ComputerDragon5, a Clan Official, made it using Webs. And here is our Back-Up, Back-Up Site that I made a while back.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Announcement XXXVIII
So BELAK84 is officially an ENEMY of the ShadowScythe Elites. First, he called my alt, Agent Minion, a noob when Agent was more epic than him was Lvl 21, he then called Jont2, my main, a noob, who is a Lvl 43, when Belak is a Lvl 40. He cussed me out, and even went to the yo mama stuff. So that crossed the line! WE WILL FIND HIM AND DESTROY HIM!!! IF YOU CAN FIND HIM AND KILL HIM IN PVP (and prove it with a screenshot or something), I WILL REWARD YOU WITH 5,000 SHADOWCOINS, AS LONG AS YOU RUB YOUR VICTORY IN HIS F***ING FACE AND SAY THAT WAS FOR JONT2!!!
-Lord Thanatos (Officially Pissed Off)
-Lord Thanatos (Officially Pissed Off)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Announcement XXXVII
I just wanted to let you all know that the clan IS NOT DEAD!!! I have been busy with schoolwork and other stuff lately, so I haven't been able to post on this site much. However, I play on AQW about 20 minutes every day and you can find me on Sir Ver most, so I AM NOT QUITTING AQW!!! Though, lately I have been playing on my alt account, Agent Minion, who is Rank 1.5 with the title of Alter Ego and generally plays on Artix. I apologize if I am taking a while on replying to your applications or attempts to contact me, and if I have not replied in a week, please send it again because I might have missed it or something like that.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Announcement XXXVI
Well, as you may know, we have been registered! And, I have made some of you Guild Officers. So some of them, have recruited some more in-game players into the official clan with intentions of growing the clan's reach (hopefully). Now, I like your enthusiasm, but since we have a very limited number of spaces for members, I am going to have to ask that all Guild Officers DO NOT RECRUIT ANYONE NEW UNLESS THEY ARE ALREADY REGISTERED ON THE CLAN SITE!!! Since we don't have enough spaces to fit all the clan website registered members, we do not need any more members to be registered in-game with our very limited number of slots. But if you absolutely see a player that is almost an AQW LEGEND, then you may, by all means, recruit him/her. And by AQW LEGEND, I mean someone who is at least level 40 and has epic rares/items. If they are not level 40 or higher, then don't recruit them. Because then I'm going to be the one that has to tell them they have to leave, and that's never easy. But back to Guild Officers. I will have a maximum of 5 Guild Officers and Thanatos's Right and Left Hand will automatically get the rank if they so desire. The same also goes with Clan Moderators like Legion Slicer Silencer and Azazel. And to my Guild Officers, DO NOT PROMOTE ANYONE TO THE RANK OF GUILD OFFICER!!! Because, like before, I will be the one that has to tell them they can't have the rank. So if you are a Guild Officer and you break one of the rules above, I will give you a warning. If you break another rule, I will demote you back to the rank of Member. If you did something BEFORE I posted it as a rule, then you are not in trouble, but common sense applies. If you kick everyone else out of the clan, I will count that as an offense against the Elites. But if you do as I say, you will be fine.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Announcement XXXV
WE HAVE BEEN REGISTERED!!!:D :D :D On the first day of Guilds PTR, I got the name!!! So, so far, we have 9/15 slots in the guild left. I will be using a first-come-first-serve policy, so you better hurry and find me! My AQW Name is Jont2 and I'm usually on the PTR Server. Also, some players that are not in the clan can also join, so expect to see some new faces.Since we have more members than available slots, not everyone will get to be on the official in-game version. And since we will have new members comein in left and right, applications will be a pain so I wont be keeping up with the Members List on this site as much. So unless you want to buy me some ACs for more in-game clan slots, there will not be enough for everyone and only the MOST LOYAL AND DEDICATED will be guaranteed a spot. But if you are ever so desperate to get in and there are no more spaces to spare, you can buy me some ACs to get more clan slots for you. XD And since we've been registered, everyone will receive 2k SC!
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 MembersGet 30 MembersGet 35 MembersGet 40 Members- Get 45 Members
- Get 100 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
Become Registered In-Game as an Official Clan when Guilds are Released- BECOME THE GREATEST CLAN IN ALL OF AQ WORLDS!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Announcement XXXIV
So the release of Guilds in AQW is coming soon! That's gonna be a big event for the ShadowScythe Elites! So DO NO REGISTER THE CLAN IN FOR ME!!! I WILL DO THAT MYSELF SO THAT I WILL BE THE GUILD OWNER!!! If you don't do as I said ^^^, prepare to face the wrath of Thanatos and the Undead Legion/Nulgath Nation. But anyway, here is the news on guilds!
Alina @Alina_AE
Guilds Phase 1 is in staff testing now! We are still pushing to get Phase 1 out before September ends. Stay tuned for more news as it comes!
Alina @Alina_AE
We are still planning on a member-only Guilds PTR, but want to make sure core functionality works first. No PTR until we get to that point.
quote:-Lord Thanatos
Alina @Alina_AE
We've had a lot of people asking for updates on how Guild-work is going, and there you go! It's "making good progress."
Friday, September 14, 2012
Announcment XXXIII
As you may have noticed, many of the clan members have made websites for the clan in hopes of it being the official back-up site or even the main site. I have had quite a few EPIC sites made, but since I can only choose one, the inevitable will come and one will rise and the rest will fall, causing disappointment among the sites that were not chosen. So I'm going to ask, PLEASE, for the sake of all of us, do not make anymore clan sites for me. I know...er hope that you are making these out of generosity and dedication, but again, I can only choose one. So as a courtesy to myself and your fellow clan members, please do not make anymore websites for the clan, unless it is for something completely epic, like a special computer game for the clan. So unless you have excellent design skills or something out of the ordinary, don't make another clan site for me. But the clan sites that have already been made and that I've seen will stay.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Announcement XXXII
Okay, so first thing is first. So far, we have 41 members, so we have completed a new clan goal! And because of that, everyone will receive 1,500 SC!!! :D The way I calculate the number of members is M + L - 1, where M = the number of mods (people with rank 1.?? like me, and Azazel) and L = the lowest rank that a anyone has in the clan. Here are the updated clan goals.
-Lord Thanatos
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 MembersGet 30 MembersGet 35 MembersGet 40 Members- Get 45 Members
- Get 100 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
- Become Registered In-Game as an Official Clan when Guilds are Released
-Lord Thanatos
Monday, September 10, 2012
Announcement XXXI
As you might have seen, Azazel has been appointed the Elite Administrator, which is equal to power as the Executive Elite, which is Legion Slicer Silencer. And because Azazel is my friend, he made me write this Announcement. XD
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Announcement XXX
Ok, so the new Executive Elite, Legion Slicer Silencer, has made a back up site for the clan that he will be in charge of and will contain THE CLAN FORUMS!!! Here is da link. That's all...for now.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Friday, August 31, 2012
Announcement XXIX
As many of you (and myself) have noticed, the members of this clan (including myself) have been relatively inactive. First off, I'll explain my situation of inactivity. As of now, we are recruiting for the ShadowScythe Elites vs Death Infusion War and applications are still open and will be until I say they will be/are closed. And since nothing major dealing with the clan has happened, I will also not make many announcements since there is nothing to announce. And for clan members, I won't kick you out of the clan if you are not very active since most of you probobaly have to deal with school, and I can realate, with the High School Credit classes, but no, I'm in Middle School taking some High School Credit classes because I passed the requirememnts needed to take them. Also, instead of saying "HI", I'll probably say "HAI" instead.
In addition, ComputerDragon5 (Legion Slicer Silencer of the AE Forums), has volunteered to help around the clan, and for now, he will be incharge of managing the members (as in updating the list and stuff). If he does agood evil job, I may let him open a ShadowScythe Elites Q&A somewhere.For now, his rank will be "Executive Elite" and "Leader of the Legendary Legion"
-Lord Thanatos
In addition, ComputerDragon5 (Legion Slicer Silencer of the AE Forums), has volunteered to help around the clan, and for now, he will be incharge of managing the members (as in updating the list and stuff). If he does a
-Lord Thanatos
Friday, August 24, 2012
Announcement XXVIII
Ok, so the application thing where I miscounted the applciations is cleared up. Also, we have a new applicatnt, StellaLuna22. So the current people whose PvP Team Applications that I have recieved (I'll confirm that I got it with a reply to your E-Mail/PM) are ComputerDragon5 (LEader of an Allie Clan and friend of mine), Duffy, Azazel, StellaLuna22, and Six. Remember, applications are still open until Sypherix and I have set a time and date for the war, and then I'll close applications at a certain time before the war and let you know if you've qualified for the team.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Announcement XXVII
Ok, so it has been a week since PvP Team regestration has closed. But, since the war isn't all planned out yet, I'll reopen it and keep it open until further notice. So far, the PvP Team applications have been from me, ComputerDragon5 (Leader of the Legendary Legion), Six, and Duffy. If you have applied and you do not see your name in the sentence above, LET ME KNOW because I might have lost track of something. Anyway, QUOTED SYPHERIX, LEADER OF DEATHINFUSION CLAN, HERE ARE HIS RESTRICTIONS. And by 1 class per person per team, that means that no two people in one team may use the same class. Clones (Warlord, Warrior, Mage, Sorcerer) count as the same class/
Hello! Our PvP Team would like to challenge your clan into a 5vs5 clan war.
Here are our rules:
1. No using of 6th Slot items (potions,scrolls etc.. etc...)
2. No multi classing. Only 1 class per person per team. (Including clones like warrior/beast warrior/warlord).
3. No using of these classes:
Vindicator of They
Troll SpellSmith
Blood Ancient
Elemental Dracomancer
Evolved Shaman
Horc Evader Class
Skyguard Grenadier
Doomknight Overlord
Paladin High Lord
Chrono Corrupter
Darkside Class
4. Camping is not allowed. having all players consistently and/or intentionally staying in your own captain room, brawler room and restorer room is not allowed. As much as possible charge all your players in the middle of the warzone
5. If a player is out in the warzone in a middle of a war, the enemy must remove one of their players.
6. No killing of NPCs. (Restorers,Brawlers,Captains etc... etc...)
If you are interested.... leave a message in our forums: http://aqwdeathinfusion.webs.com/apps/forums/
*Back to Lord Thanatos*
Ok, just as a reminder, here is the PvP Team application.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
-Lord Thanatos
Its an official clan war.
And the classes restricted are classes available through purchase. like mindbreaker,cardclasher etc... etc.. (except verification classes excluding Starlord)
And Itzachi classes. (VoT,Necromancer,Horc Evader,Troll Spellsmith etc etc....)
Darkside is also banned ofc.
Including the restricted classes i sent you. :D
Can you guys make it on sunday? 7-9pm gmt+8? if not... we can do it by at least august 18. same time :D
Hello! Our PvP Team would like to challenge your clan into a 5vs5 clan war.
Here are our rules:
1. No using of 6th Slot items (potions,scrolls etc.. etc...)
2. No multi classing. Only 1 class per person per team. (Including clones like warrior/beast warrior/warlord).
3. No using of these classes:
Vindicator of They
Troll SpellSmith
Blood Ancient
Elemental Dracomancer
Evolved Shaman
Horc Evader Class
Skyguard Grenadier
Doomknight Overlord
Paladin High Lord
Chrono Corrupter
Darkside Class
4. Camping is not allowed. having all players consistently and/or intentionally staying in your own captain room, brawler room and restorer room is not allowed. As much as possible charge all your players in the middle of the warzone
5. If a player is out in the warzone in a middle of a war, the enemy must remove one of their players.
6. No killing of NPCs. (Restorers,Brawlers,Captains etc... etc...)
If you are interested.... leave a message in our forums: http://aqwdeathinfusion.webs.com/apps/forums/
*Back to Lord Thanatos*
Ok, just as a reminder, here is the PvP Team application.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
-Lord Thanatos
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Announcement XXVI
PvP Team Applications are open until tomorrow!!! Remember, we are accepting 5 Members and 5 Alternates! So far, we have 5 applicants! Keep them coming!
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
Also, we have a total of 35 members and have completed a Clan Goal! Therefore, every member will receive a total of 1250 ShadowCoins! As you might expect, the updated Clan Goals are below.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
Also, we have a total of 35 members and have completed a Clan Goal! Therefore, every member will receive a total of 1250 ShadowCoins! As you might expect, the updated Clan Goals are below.
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 MembersGet 30 MembersGet 35 Members- Get 40 Members
- Get 100 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
- Become Registered In-Game as an Official Clan when Guilds are Released
Friday, August 3, 2012
Announcement XXV
Go for GOLD!!! If you are a member in AQW, go grab your Lorelympics Gold PvP Amulet before it is too late! I don't know if it will be seasonal or perma rare, but even it f it is seasonal, it is as good as perma rare. Why? Because the Olympics happen once every 2 years. If you plan to join the ShadowScythe Elites PvP Team, grabbing one can certainly improve your chances of being picked.
Don't forget! ShadowScythe Elites vs Death Infusion! War Sign Ups are open until August 15! Also, the application requirements will be slightly altered. Here is the UPDATED application. The war code is DeathInfus1.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
NOTE: If you are not Lvl 40 or higher, but you are extremely talented in PvP or have something that we are looking for, I can work with you to find you a spot in the team.
Note: The PvP Team is reset after every war, so you will have to reapply for each war. Also, Allied Clan Members can apply as well.
Note: If you are in an allied clan, PM your leader about it and I will talk to your leader about your application.
-Lord Thanatos
Don't forget! ShadowScythe Elites vs Death Infusion! War Sign Ups are open until August 15! Also, the application requirements will be slightly altered. Here is the UPDATED application. The war code is DeathInfus1.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher,):
PvP Skills:
Best/Strongest PvP Amulet (You must be able to equip it):
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
NOTE: If you are not Lvl 40 or higher, but you are extremely talented in PvP or have something that we are looking for, I can work with you to find you a spot in the team.
Note: The PvP Team is reset after every war, so you will have to reapply for each war. Also, Allied Clan Members can apply as well.
Note: If you are in an allied clan, PM your leader about it and I will talk to your leader about your application.
-Lord Thanatos
Monday, July 30, 2012
Announcement XXIV
So it is the end of July, and that means the ShadowCoin Collector title will be given out for the first time! And the winner is *drumroll* StellaLuna22! Congratulations! But to all you other clan members, you will have another chance at the end of August.
In addition to that, I will make some changes to the application requirements. This will not affect current clan members in any way.
Dage vs Nulgath! Show support for your side! The clan will farm Legion Tokens/Diamonds at special rooms on the servers Artix and PTR/Sir Ver at /join EvilWarDage-5130 and /join EvilWarNul-5130.
Q: But isn't Artix a good guy? We slay good guys!
A: I think you just answered your own question, fake reader.
While Dage and Nulgath have their own little showdown, the ShadowScythe Elites will be going to WAR! And to fight a war, we will need soldiers. So that is why I am creating the ShadowScythe PvP Team, or the Elite Undead Army, depending on which one you like better. We will soon march on to take down the enemy, a clan called Death Infusion. Here is their Forum Recruitment Page. The PvP Team will consist of 5 members and 5 Alternates. The Alternates are to fill in for missing members. While our focus in the clan isn't PvP, I will do what I can to provide resources and teach you PvP skills. Here is the PvP Team Application Form below. PM it to Lord Thanatos on the Forums or E-Mail it to ShadowScytheElites@aol.com. If neither of those options are availible to you, then you can tell me in-game if you see me. The code for this war is DeathInfus1. If you have applied and everything looksgood evil, then I will tell you the restrictions set up and more info. I will accept as many applications that come in until August 15 (The war sign-up will have closed), and I will chose the 5 members (Including myself) and the 5 Alternates.
Note: The PvP Team is reset after every war, so you will have to reapply for each war. Also, Allied Clan Members can apply as well.
Note: If you are in an allied clan, PM your leader about it and I will talk to your leader about your application.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher):
PvP Skills:
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
-Lord Thanatos
In addition to that, I will make some changes to the application requirements. This will not affect current clan members in any way.
Dage vs Nulgath! Show support for your side! The clan will farm Legion Tokens/Diamonds at special rooms on the servers Artix and PTR/Sir Ver at /join EvilWarDage-5130 and /join EvilWarNul-5130.
Q: But isn't Artix a good guy? We slay good guys!
A: I think you just answered your own question, fake reader.
While Dage and Nulgath have their own little showdown, the ShadowScythe Elites will be going to WAR! And to fight a war, we will need soldiers. So that is why I am creating the ShadowScythe PvP Team, or the Elite Undead Army, depending on which one you like better. We will soon march on to take down the enemy, a clan called Death Infusion. Here is their Forum Recruitment Page. The PvP Team will consist of 5 members and 5 Alternates. The Alternates are to fill in for missing members. While our focus in the clan isn't PvP, I will do what I can to provide resources and teach you PvP skills. Here is the PvP Team Application Form below. PM it to Lord Thanatos on the Forums or E-Mail it to ShadowScytheElites@aol.com. If neither of those options are availible to you, then you can tell me in-game if you see me. The code for this war is DeathInfus1. If you have applied and everything looks
Note: The PvP Team is reset after every war, so you will have to reapply for each war. Also, Allied Clan Members can apply as well.
Note: If you are in an allied clan, PM your leader about it and I will talk to your leader about your application.
Clan Codename (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
War Code:
AQ Worlds Character Name (Just so I can recognize you easily; this is not to change it):
AQ Worlds Character Level (You must be Lvl 40 or higher):
PvP Skills:
What Do You Have to Offer for the PvP Team?:
-Lord Thanatos
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Announcement XXIII
A new title is being released!!! It is the ShadowCoin Collector. The title will pobably change hands quite often and it goes to the Elite who has the most ShadowCoins at the end of each month. It will be starting at the end of July. So far, StellaLuna22 is in the lead. If you need help, the best way to get ShadowCoins is to do the Clan Quests found in Announcement XXII. Also, having 31 Elites, we have completed a Clan Goal. Due to that, everyone will be receiving 1000 ShadowCoins as a reward. Here are the updated Clan Goals.
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 MembersGet 30 Members- Get 35 Members
- Get 40 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
- Become Registered In-Game as an Official Clan when Guilds are Released
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Announcement XXII
An Forum ArchKnight as well as friend, ZanpakuTô, has made a generous donation of 23,000 ShadowCoins, along with the donation of 500 ShadowCoins from your fellow Elite, Azazel, has completed the clan fundraiser goal! For that, I will be creating a new Clan Quest that you can turn the ShadowReagent in for some great rewards! Since we finished the goal about 2 months ahead of time, everybody will receive 500 ShadowCoins! Also, everybody can have free food and drinks at my bar (/house Jont2)! Speaking of my house/bar, it will be the new hang out place for the clan. It will be on all servers, and hopefully you can find other clan members to hang out with. I will be mainly on Sir Ver and so will some of my Non-Elite friends like Lord Coxy, ZanpakuTô, ComputerDragon5, etc. I am also making some new Clan Quests. Also, most clan quests can only be done once. Here are the updated Clan Quests.
Death's Deal:
Ah, I see you have a ShadowReagent. That is a very valuable item. Why don't you sell it to me?
Items Required:
Ambassador of the Elites:
You have represented the ShadowScythe Elites to the world of Lore very well. Show me on of your Rank 10 Factions and you will be rewarded.
Items Required:
Death's Deal:
Ah, I see you have a ShadowReagent. That is a very valuable item. Why don't you sell it to me?
Items Required:
- ShadowReagent
- 1,500 ShadowCoins
You have represented the ShadowScythe Elites to the world of Lore very well. Show me on of your Rank 10 Factions and you will be rewarded.
Items Required:
- Screenshot of one of your Rank 10 Factions
- A Rank 10 Faction
- Tons of XP
- Tons of Class Points
- 2,000 ShadowCoins
BoneGrinder Elite:
Slay (at least) 1,000 monsters in the BoneGrinder zone at DoomWood Forest in a single run. Why? So you can show those undead who's the boss! How do you prove it? Take a screenshot of your with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000. Go.
Items Required:
Description: Minion, the Blade of Shade is strong with darkness. I can feel it. Obtaining it would be quite a feat. So why don't you go do that? Present the Blade of Shade to me and show me that you are worthy of your title. Now quit groveling and go farm.
Items Required:
Forging ShadowSteel is not an easy task. It requires lots of patience (waiting for package to arrive) and hard work (saving up $10 + Shipping and Handling). Achieving this Now head to the forge and stop wasting my time.
Items Required:
Slay (at least) 1,000 monsters in the BoneGrinder zone at DoomWood Forest in a single run. Why? So you can show those undead who's the boss! How do you prove it? Take a screenshot of your with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000. Go.
Items Required:
- Screenshot of your AQ Worlds screen with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000
- Tons of XP
- Tons of Rep
- Tons of Class Points
- 3,000 ShadowCoins
- ShadowReagent
- BoneGrinder Elite (Title)
Description: Minion, the Blade of Shade is strong with darkness. I can feel it. Obtaining it would be quite a feat. So why don't you go do that? Present the Blade of Shade to me and show me that you are worthy of your title. Now quit groveling and go farm.
Items Required:
- Blade of Shade (In inventory)
- An Awesome Sword
- 5,000 ShadowCoins
- Move Up One Rank in the Members List (If you were #5, you would be #4, but you can not become #1 if you are #2)
- ShadowMancer (Title)
Forging ShadowSteel is not an easy task. It requires lots of patience (waiting for package to arrive) and hard work (saving up $10 + Shipping and Handling). Achieving this Now head to the forge and stop wasting my time.
Items Required:
- Shadow Steel Character Page Achievement Badge
- An Awesome Armor
- An Awesome Helm
- 2,000 ShadowCoins
- DoomSmith (Title)
>-Lord Thanatos
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Announcement XXI
In addition to clan goals, I am also creating Clan Qhallenges. These are entirely individual, and you can earn stuff when you complete them. To turn them in, PM/E-Mail me telling me that you have completed it and also with the required items (i.e. Screenshot, Character Page Link, etc...). Here are some that I have made.
BoneGrinder Elite:
Slay (at least) 1,000 monsters in the BoneGrinder zone at DoomWood Forest in a single run. Why? So you can show those undead who's the boss! How do you prove it? Take a screenshot of your with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000. Go.
Items Required:
Description: Minion, the Blade of Shade is strong with darkness. I can feel it. Obtaining it would be quite a feat. So why don't you go do that? Present the Blade of Shade to me and show me that you are worthy of your title. Now quit groveling and go farm.
Items Required:
Forging ShadowSteel is not an easy task. It requires lots of patience (waiting for package to arrive) and hard work (saving up $10 + Shipping and Handling). Achieving this Now head to the forge and stop wasting my time.
Items Required:
BoneGrinder Elite:
Slay (at least) 1,000 monsters in the BoneGrinder zone at DoomWood Forest in a single run. Why? So you can show those undead who's the boss! How do you prove it? Take a screenshot of your with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000. Go.
Items Required:
- Screenshot of your AQ Worlds screen with the kill meter at (at least) 1,000
- Tons of XP
- Tons of Rep
- Tons of Class Points
- 3,000 ShadowCoins
- ShadowReagent
- BoneGrinder Elite (Title)
Description: Minion, the Blade of Shade is strong with darkness. I can feel it. Obtaining it would be quite a feat. So why don't you go do that? Present the Blade of Shade to me and show me that you are worthy of your title. Now quit groveling and go farm.
Items Required:
- Blade of Shade (In inventory)
- An Awesome Sword
- 5,000 ShadowCoins
- Move Up One Rank in the Members List (If you were #5, you would be #4, but you can not become #1 if you are #2)
- ShadowMancer (Title)
Forging ShadowSteel is not an easy task. It requires lots of patience (waiting for package to arrive) and hard work (saving up $10 + Shipping and Handling). Achieving this Now head to the forge and stop wasting my time.
Items Required:
- Shadow Steel Character Page Achievement Badge
- An Awesome Armor
- An Awesome Helm
- 2,000 ShadowCoins
- DoomSmith (Title)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Announcement XXI
Legion Dragon, one of our members, has left to make his own clan. It is called The Legendary Legion. I have formed an alliance with them, which means we have finished a goal. That, in turn, will result in everyone receiving 1000 ShadowCoins! That's right, 1000 ShadowCoins! Here are the updated clan goals.
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 Members- Get 30 Members
- Get 35 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
- Become Registered In-Game as an Official Clan when Guilds are Released
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Announcement XX
Due to the generous donation of Sir Xander, a former ShadowScythe Elite and leader of the allied clan called The Knights of Azariel, we have raised a total of 1,000,000,000,01,500 SC, so I am raising the goal to 1,000,000,000,025,00. The Fr0st Monarch, one of our fellow Elites, has donated 500 SC and received a ShadowReagent. Keep donating!
-Lord Thanatos
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Announcement XIX
I would like to dedicate this Announcement to people who have supported this clan. Those people are 204680, Lord Coxy, and Blazing Ice, who is the leader of one of our allied clans, The Death Legion. Blazing Ice has donated 1000 ShadowCoins to the ShadowBank. I am also going to count outside donations as part of the clan fundraiser. 204680 and Lord Coxy deserve thanks because they have both helped me with the clan signatures for the Forums. Here they are:

Also, we have a total of 26 members, so we have completed a goal. Every member will receive 500 ShadowCoins. Here are the updated clan goals.
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 MembersGet 25 Members- Get 30 Members
- Get 35 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Announcement XVIII
This announcement marks the creation of the ShadowBank, our new clan bank. Every once in a while, it will have Clan Investment Trinkets, or ShadowTrinkets, that you can buy. They come in 500 SC and 1000 SC. They will increase 150% when the ShadowTrinkets go away until another dark and doom-filled day. They will be in the ShadowCoin Shop. I will record who buys what. Also, I am creating Clan Donations. They are 500 SC and I will note your donation(s) in the Clan DataBase. You can make as many donations as you like. Also, all donors will receive a ShadowReagent, that will be used later on in the clan. You get one ShadowReagent per Clan Donation made. A while back, I added a Clan Codename Change. To buy anything from the ShadowCoin Shop, just PM Lord Thanatos on the Battleon Forums or E-Mail ShadowScytheElites@aolcom about it and I will take care of it for you. Here is the updated ShadowCoin Shop.
1. Assistance with a quest or battle (Price depends on assistance and number of members helping)
2. Voucher of Thanatos (250 SC)
3. New Rank (500 SC)
4. Clan CodeName Change (500 SC)
5. ShadowTrinket (500 SC)
6. ShadowTrinket (1,000 SC)
7. Clan Donation (500 SC)
Note: The both versions of the ShadowTrinkets will be available until June 30th. They will increase in value on July 1st and will automatically sell itself back for 1500 SC or 750 SC depending on which one(s) you bought, and yes you can buy one of each.
The ShadowBank is starting off with 100,000 ShadowCoins, but at the end of every month, it pays 500 ShadowCoins as a tribute to Blogger and 500 ShadowCoins as a tribute to Webs for helping make this clan possible. Also, all rewards from clan goals come from the ShadowBank. How does the ShadowBank earn money? Well, it earns money purely from Clan Donations and purchases in the ShadowCoin Shop. However, Empress Gravelyn and other officials of the ShadowScythe Empire will occasionally make donations if they see that we have done a good job lately.
Our goal is to have 10,000 ShadowCoins in donations by the end of September. If we have reach that goal, we will have a celebration and donors will be graciously rewarded (Not with being tossed into a flaming tar pit). Here is a fundraising thermometer to track our progress!
1. Assistance with a quest or battle (Price depends on assistance and number of members helping)
2. Voucher of Thanatos (250 SC)
3. New Rank (500 SC)
4. Clan CodeName Change (500 SC)
5. ShadowTrinket (500 SC)
6. ShadowTrinket (1,000 SC)
7. Clan Donation (500 SC)
Note: The both versions of the ShadowTrinkets will be available until June 30th. They will increase in value on July 1st and will automatically sell itself back for 1500 SC or 750 SC depending on which one(s) you bought, and yes you can buy one of each.
The ShadowBank is starting off with 100,000 ShadowCoins, but at the end of every month, it pays 500 ShadowCoins as a tribute to Blogger and 500 ShadowCoins as a tribute to Webs for helping make this clan possible. Also, all rewards from clan goals come from the ShadowBank. How does the ShadowBank earn money? Well, it earns money purely from Clan Donations and purchases in the ShadowCoin Shop. However, Empress Gravelyn and other officials of the ShadowScythe Empire will occasionally make donations if they see that we have done a good job lately.
Our goal is to have 10,000 ShadowCoins in donations by the end of September. If we have reach that goal, we will have a celebration and donors will be graciously rewarded (Not with being tossed into a flaming tar pit). Here is a fundraising thermometer to track our progress!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Announcement XVII
This Announcement will hopefully clear up any possible confusion about "passive challenges". These occur automatically when a new member joins. This will rank him/her with the others. It can also mean that they will gain your title such as "ShadowLord's Left Hand" or "Ambassador of the Elites". You can, however, challenge them for your title back. I will roll a die and whichever number it lands on will be the challenge done. It cannot be 1v1 PvP because I have no way of knowing who really won. These will be the challenges avalilble:
-Lord Thanatos
- Who can solo the Red Dragon the quickest?
- Who can kill Lord Thanatos the quickest? (Both will go in 1v1 PvP and each will kill me. I will just sit there and attack with Auto-Attack)
- Who has the most Achievements?
- Who has the most rare items (They must be in your inventory so I can see them)?
- Who has the most Rank 10 Classes?
- Who can solo Thrax Ironhide 5 seconds or less? 4? 3? 2? 1?
-Lord Thanatos
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Announcement XVI
With one more alliance made, we only need one more alliance to complete our next goal! The allance that I have made is with a clan called The Akatsuki, led by Orashi Kazayama the Forums and AQ Worlds. His clan is a Shinobi based clan, with ranks based on their Forums. I have also made a backup site. in case needed. Hope you like it, but it is under construction. I will try to import the Announcements there and some other stuff to make it better. If I can, I will make a Forum and that will be our where our Forum is. I haven't quite gotten it figured out yet. Anyway, my username is ShadowScytheElites for some reason. I guess it just went with the E-Mail I signed up with. Or, I'll make a new site for our clan, either way. It is also possible that we will permanatly move into www.ShadowScytheElites.webs.com and it might be our new permanent site. I am going to make a poll.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Announcement XV
As of now, we have formed 1 more clan alliance. I have also have made an alliance with a clan called The Absolute Shadow Minds. The leader of that clan is OmilliYo on the Battleon Forums and Vyo 97 on AQ Worlds. We only need 2 more alliances before we complete the goal "Become Allies with 5 Clans" and there will be a great reward for that.
-Lord Thanatos
-Lord Thanatos
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Announcement XIV
Having 21 members currently, we have completed a goal. As a result, I am awarding everyone 500 ShadowCoins! If you noticed, that is enough to buy a new title! On the subject of titles, I am awarding the title of "Champion of the Elites" to those who are at the current level cap, which is Level 45. This will replace the title of "Elite Undead", but will go along side any other title that you may have (See the list of members). The title "DeathGuard" will not be given to clan members. However, it is very likely that it will be released later. I have also updated the clan goals below.
Also, a temporary member of the clan, Sir Xander, has resigned to make his own mercenary clan. His clan is called The Knights of Azariel, but has a neutral alignment.
-Lord Thanatos
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members Get 20 Members- Get 25 Members
- Get 30 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
Also, a temporary member of the clan, Sir Xander, has resigned to make his own mercenary clan. His clan is called The Knights of Azariel, but has a neutral alignment.
-Lord Thanatos
Friday, June 1, 2012
Announcement XIII
I am very pleased to announce that we have made our first alliance with another clan. The clan is called Death Legion. The leader's name is Blazing Ice (Forum) or The Inferno Beast (AQ Worlds Username). That also means, we have completed 1 goal, so I am giving everyone 250 SC! Here is the updated list of clan goals.
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members - Get 20 Members
- Get 25 Members
Have a MeetingBecome Allies with a Clan- Become Allies with 5 Clans
- Become Allies with 10 Clans
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Announcement XII
The ShadowScythe Elites is having its first "Damage Contest"! The member/intern that submits the highest amount of damage done to any monster using any class and build will receive a new rank that is TBA. A screenshot/YouTube video is required. For those of you that are good with PhotoShop, I got my eye on you.
Also, I have found a "Team Dage" war banner. I haven't found one for Nulgath/Miltonius yet, but I will notify you when I do.
-Lord Thanatos
Also, I have found a "Team Dage" war banner. I haven't found one for Nulgath/Miltonius yet, but I will notify you when I do.
-Lord Thanatos
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Announcement XI
If you have been checking the site lately, you may have noticed that we have a total of 15 members, so each of you will be rewarded with 200 SC! Here are the newly updated clan goals.
Also, our very own member Grish8, is working on an alliance with another clan called Dage's Pride. If the alliance works out, you all will see more ShadowCoins coming your way, so the future for the clan is looking...Evil.
-Lord Thanatos
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members-
Get 15 Members - Get 20 Members
- Get 25 Members
Have a Meeting- Become Allies with a Clan
- Become Allies with 5 Clans
Also, our very own member Grish8, is working on an alliance with another clan called Dage's Pride. If the alliance works out, you all will see more ShadowCoins coming your way, so the future for the clan is looking...Evil.
-Lord Thanatos
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Announcement X
Today, the ShadowScythe Elites has recruited its 10th member and that calls for celebration! And that means 150 ShadowCoins for everybody! Woot! Here are the newly updated Clan Goals.
Clan Goals:
-Lord Thanatos
Clan Goals:
Recruit a MemberGet 5 MembersGet 10 Members- Get 15 Members
- Get 20 Members
Have a Meeting- Become Allies with a Clan
- Become Allies with 5 Clans
-Lord Thanatos
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Announcement IX
As you may have known, we are in the process of recruiting and building reputation throughout AQ Worlds. A way that I have found to let others know about the clan is to put a link on your Twitter/Facebook profile and putting a link on your Battleon Forums signature.
As for the upcoming Dage vs Nulgath war, I highly recommend that you participate in it as there will be epic rewards. I would also suggest saving ACs up as both Dage and Nulgath are masters of creating epic yet outrageously priced/difficult to get items. I will also give SC/Titles to those who participate.
On top of all that, I am also creating temps. They are basically players who have not quite but almost met the requirements. Being a intern is not required but can increase your chances of becoming a temp. Unlike interns, temps are involved in the ShadowCoin program, but can only have the title "Temp" until they meet all the requirements and become a full member (i.e. Elite Undead, ShadowLord's Right Hand, ShadowLord's Left Hand, Ambassador of the Elites).
For the titles, I am going to make some abbreveations:
ShadowLord: SL
ShadowLord's Right Hand: SLRH
ShadowLord's Left Hand: SLLH
Ambassador of the Elites: AotE
Elite Undead: EU
I am also updating clan goals as well. Here is the list of the updated goals.
Clan Goals:
As for the upcoming Dage vs Nulgath war, I highly recommend that you participate in it as there will be epic rewards. I would also suggest saving ACs up as both Dage and Nulgath are masters of creating epic yet outrageously priced/difficult to get items. I will also give SC/Titles to those who participate.
On top of all that, I am also creating temps. They are basically players who have not quite but almost met the requirements. Being a intern is not required but can increase your chances of becoming a temp. Unlike interns, temps are involved in the ShadowCoin program, but can only have the title "Temp" until they meet all the requirements and become a full member (i.e. Elite Undead, ShadowLord's Right Hand, ShadowLord's Left Hand, Ambassador of the Elites).
For the titles, I am going to make some abbreveations:
ShadowLord: SL
ShadowLord's Right Hand: SLRH
ShadowLord's Left Hand: SLLH
Ambassador of the Elites: AotE
Elite Undead: EU
I am also updating clan goals as well. Here is the list of the updated goals.
Clan Goals:
Recruit a MemberGet 5 Members- Get 10 Members
- Get 15 Members
- Have a Meeting
- Become Allies with a Clan
- Become Allies with 5 Clans
Monday, March 26, 2012
Announcement VIII
The clan leaders at the HQ have decided that all items from Dage the Evil can be counted as an evil item. Furthermore, we are loosening the requirements to get in the clan. From now on, you only need to have an Evil Alignment OR an evil item. Just a reminder, an "evil item" can be from any shop/quest in ShadowFall or quest/shop in Tercessuinotlim (Except from Polish) and you only need one item. Other items will need approval. As a reminder, you will receive ShadowCoins for recruiting new members.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Announcement VII
The clan leaders at HQ are updating clan goals. Since we have already reached 50 Larvae on the Larvae Hunt, it is officially over, so every member will receive 25 ShadowCoins. We have also gained a member with Nulgath Larvae and achieved 5 members (Including interns), so everybody will receive 15 SC+10 SC= 25 ShadowCoins. Add all the earnings up and you will get 50 ShadowCoins!!! By members I mean any player of any rank in the clan.
Get 5 Members- Get 10 Members
Get a Member with Nulgath Larvae- Get a Member with Drudgen the Assistant
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Announcement VI
The clan leaders in HQ have decided to have internships. Interns can only have the rank of intern and will not be involved in the ShadowCoin program. Interns are those who have fell a little short of the clan recruiting/joining requirements. Also, those who recruit a player to join will be given Recruits Level X 5 ShadowCoins. Interns count as well. By recruiting I mean telling me about the player via the clan registration form. Copy/Paste the form below on a Microsoft Word document and print it out.
ShadowScythe Elites Application Form
AQ Worlds Character Name: ____________________________________________________________
Desired Clan Codename: ________________________________________________________________
Email OR BattleOn Forum Username: ______________________________________________________
Desired Clan Codename: ________________________________________________________________
Email OR BattleOn Forum Username: ______________________________________________________
Number of Rank 10 Classes: _____________________________________________________________
AQ Worlds Character Level: _____________________________________________________________
How Did You Hear About This Clan?: _______________________________________________________________
AQ Worlds Character Level: _____________________________________________________________
How Did You Hear About This Clan?: _______________________________________________________________
What Do You Have to Offer for This Clan?: _______________________________________________________________
Number of Months as a Member: _______________________________________________________________
Friday, February 10, 2012
Announcement V
We are having a new meeting place. It is /ShadowFall-5130 on the SERVER CYSERO. Following that, the ShadowScythe Elites will be having a meeting on Monday, February 13th at 4:15 pm at the usual meeting spot. I have also found that it is easier to find players with Nulgath Larvae to go on the server Cysero. I have sent an alliance request to another ShadowScythe clan called Defenders of the Scythe. I have not gotten a response yet, so I'm still waiting. The clan has 16 members and its website is www.theosclan.webs.com/home.htm
Also, here is an update on the Larvae Hunt.
I also wrote a Dark DragonLord story. Here it is.
I was thinking, and I thought it would be cool if there was a 1000 year
long war between Doomknights and Dark DragonLords. The Doomknights won,
with Sepulchure as their leader. The war ended when Sepulchure killed
the leader of the Dark Dragonlords. The Doomknights had the Shadowscythe
Empire, and the Dark DragonLords had themselves. It was 500 Doomknights
and their undead army against 10000 Dark DragonLords and their dragons.
The Doomknights won, and the few surviving Dark Dragonlords went into
exile. During the reign of Drakath, the Dark DragonLords find a new
leader named Thanatos (Death in Ancient Greek) who was trained as a Dark
DragonLord as a child. As he grew, he found Nulgath and made a deal
with him. Nulgath crafted him a Sword and the Evolved Dark DragonLord
Armor, which Nulgath gave resistance to Chaorruption. Dark Dragonlords
and their dragons use dark energy, but are not undead, and have nothing
to do with undead. They don't have an army like Sepulchure does. As
Thanatos was assembling his army of Dark DragonLords, Drakath
Chaorrupted almost half of is Dark DragonLords. Knowing that he and his
Dark Dragonlords can't defeat Gravelyn and her undead army or survive
the attacks from Drakath, he makes a deal with her and joined the
Shadowscythe Empire. Thanatos, the Head of the Dark DragonLords will be
in Shadowfall and have some quests you have to complete in order to
unlock the shop, which contains the Dark DragonLord class and some other
epic gear. The final quest will to defeat Thanatos and DoomFang, his
dragon ,who looks like the Red Dragon in DragonFable, except DoomFang
has a black base, a gray trim, and glowing red eyes. The Evolved Dark
DragonLord Armor is like the Evolved DragonLord Armor with a black base
and red trim. The normal Dark DragonLord Armor is the armor my character
in AQ Worlds is wearing right now.
Auto Attack: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. (Rank 1)
Summon Dragon: Summons a dark dragon that aids you in battle and is there for the duration of the battle. It is not a battle pet, it just provides some extra damage equal to yours. (20 Mana) (Rank 1)
Dark Blade: Deals moderate damage and applies a DoT that stacks up to 10X and lasts 20 sec. (15 Mana) (Rank 2)
Soul Siphon: Deals moderate damage and returns some HP based on the amount of damage done. Also applies a HoT that lasts the whole battle. (30 Mana) (Rank 3)
(Dark Strength and Dark Dexterity are Passive Abilities)
Dark Strength: Increases damage and crit chance by 15% (Rank 4)

Dark Dexterity: Increases evasion and endurance by 15% (Rank 4)
Grow: Grows your dark dragon to its full size and strength, increasing its damage by 500% for the duration of the battle. (35 Mana) (Rank 5)

Draconic Apocalypse: Each ability you use has a 10% chance of using Draconic Apocalypse instead of the ability you were trying to use. Draconic Apocalypse causes you and your dark dragon to fuse and deal a MINIMUM of 5000 damage WITHOUT CRITS FOR THE DURATION OF THE BATTLE.
Note: I also posted this on the BattleOn Forums, and every thing I wrote here is fan fiction.
Also, here is an update on the Larvae Hunt.
1. BlackKingCobra
2. Death Bomb567
3. David9812
4. Nasstyyy
5. Celio 2
7. Sasuke Susanoo1299
8. Deather King
9. Jhonatam2011
10. Gianni88
11. Beararii
12. Dunamis 710
11. X Same X
12. Duncanlt
13. NintendoKnight
14. RafaRukario
15. Gammel mand1
16. Jackyccc
17. RafaRukario
18. Yoyo Ninja
19. Left4cannabi3
20. Nachonoth
21. P1noy_pr1de
22. Aqw_avalon
23. Dragon ep
24. 8r
25. Gumi bear123
26. Zoopo
27. JAZZEL 15
28. Marcusoglucas
29. Ehk47
I also wrote a Dark DragonLord story. Here it is.
Dark DragonLord Skill Set

Auto Attack: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. (Rank 1)

Summon Dragon: Summons a dark dragon that aids you in battle and is there for the duration of the battle. It is not a battle pet, it just provides some extra damage equal to yours. (20 Mana) (Rank 1)

Dark Blade: Deals moderate damage and applies a DoT that stacks up to 10X and lasts 20 sec. (15 Mana) (Rank 2)

Soul Siphon: Deals moderate damage and returns some HP based on the amount of damage done. Also applies a HoT that lasts the whole battle. (30 Mana) (Rank 3)
(Dark Strength and Dark Dexterity are Passive Abilities)
Dark Strength: Increases damage and crit chance by 15% (Rank 4)

Dark Dexterity: Increases evasion and endurance by 15% (Rank 4)

Grow: Grows your dark dragon to its full size and strength, increasing its damage by 500% for the duration of the battle. (35 Mana) (Rank 5)

Draconic Apocalypse: Each ability you use has a 10% chance of using Draconic Apocalypse instead of the ability you were trying to use. Draconic Apocalypse causes you and your dark dragon to fuse and deal a MINIMUM of 5000 damage WITHOUT CRITS FOR THE DURATION OF THE BATTLE.
Dark DragonAmulet |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Vath's Character Page
I have found Vath's Character Page. He is Level 1 and Warrior Class
Rank 1, yet he has items that are a drop from Vath (Monster). If he
battled Vath and won, he sould have leveled up. This confirms my theory
that AE can add items to anyone's account using some special method. It
could be simply typing a code in the chat bar like /add Cloak of Vath or
use of some complex program. To see it for your self, go to http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=vath
Vath's Character Page |
Me with Bane of Nulgath |
Saturday, February 4, 2012
More Damage and Larvae Hunt Update
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Larvae Hunters
I am creating the exclusive rank of Larvae Hunter. Larvae Hunters work to find players with the pet Nulgath Larvae equipped. To become a Larvae Hunter, you must have turned in the names of 5 AQ Worlds players with Nulgath Larvae equipped (You can count yourself if you have it).
Found Players With Nulgath Larvae:
Found Players With Nulgath Larvae:
1. BlackKingCobra
2. Death Bomb567
3. David9812
4. Nasstyyy
5. Celio 2
To kick off the release of the ShadowCoin (SC), I am giving every clan member 10 ShadowCoins, complementary of me.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Announcement IV
I am creating the ShadowCoin. They can be earned through various ways and can be cashed in for special rewards.
Some Ways to Get ShadowCoins:
Some Ways to Get ShadowCoins:
- Recruit a member that fits the requirements
- Assist another Elite in a quest or battle (Not from shop requirements)
- Completion of Clan Goals (Every member gets some SC)
- Assistance with a quest or battle (Depends on assistance)
- Special permission to skip one meeting (10 SC)
- New Rank or group (50 SC)
![]() |
ShadowCoin (Front) |
![]() |
ShadowCoin (Back) |
Saturday, January 28, 2012
ChronoCorruptor and Hex Blade of Nulgath
Monday, January 23, 2012
Announcement III
I am making a new group/rank called DeathGuard. It is a lot like ShadowFounders, title wise. To get in, all you have to do is have an item from Tercessuinotlim, Undead Champion, and be Level 45 or higher. The items can also be or be from any of Nulgath's "pet minion's", like Drudgen the Assistant, Crag and Bamboozle, Nulgath Larvae, etc...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Announcement II
As you might have noticed, the Elites do not have a motto. That is why I am going to host a motto contest for the ShadowScythe Elites. If you come up with one, you can send it via Email to ShadowScytheElites@aol.com or PM Lord Thanatos via BattleOn Forums with your AQ Worlds Character Name and your Clan Codename. All entries must be submitted by February 29th. The winner will join the exclusive group called ShadowFounders. Even if you already have another title, you can still join. The ShadowFounders go to normal clan meetings, but they also have their own.
Here are the rules:
Here are the rules:
- It must be original. You cannot take someone's motto and use it or change it up a little.
- It must sound/have something evil.
- It can or cannot rhyme.
Warrior vs Mage
Here's something I came up with the other day. Some say that mages are cowards because they always attack from a distance, whereas warriors attack close range. In the end who is the victor: the mage , or the warrior that's on fire. *Back to the writer of this blog* In all reality, I don't favor melee or caster classes. I just like whichever one has the best skill set.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Announcement I
The ShadowScythe Elites will have a meeting at /shadowfall 5130 on the server Zorbak. It will be on January 15th, 2012 at 5:00 pm. All clan members must attend unless given special permission by the ShadowLord. To get special permission, you must explain why I should let you skip a meeting and what you will be doing while everybody is at the meeting.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Elites
For those of you that have joined or want to join, the clan will meet in /shadowfall 5130 (Like Friday the 13th and I added the zero so it would be above 1000) unless mentioned otherwise. There are 3 positions: ShadowLord (Which is me), ShadowLord's Right Hand, and ShadowLord's Left Hand (ShadowLord's Right Hand is higer than ShadowLord's Left Hand). There is also ShadowSpy, which has no ranking among the others. There is also Shadow General, which has the same rank as ShadowLord's Right Hand. All other members are Elite Undead. Anyone can challenge anyone else for any position other than ShadowLord via PVP. The clan will enter the warzone and the 2 combatants will slug it out. The rest of the clan will be watching. This clan has many goals. Here are the current goals for the clan. I will keep you updated on progress and new goals.
Recruit a Member- Get 5 Members
- Get 10 Members
- Get 15 Members
- Have a Meeting
- Become Allies With Defenders of the Scythe
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