"We are the best of the best. We know no bounds. Our only limits are the mortal bodies to which we are confined. We can conquer all of our enemies with a single swing of our blade. We are the ShadowScythe Elites and our actions will be remembered for eons to come." (Motto idea derived from Altair)
Here is a link to our Back-Up Site. Legion Slicer Silencer/ComputerDragon5, a Clan Official, made it using Webs. And here is our Back-Up, Back-Up Site that I made a while back.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Announcement XXXIV

   So the release of Guilds in AQW is coming soon! That's gonna be a big event for the ShadowScythe Elites! So DO NO REGISTER THE CLAN IN FOR ME!!! I WILL DO THAT MYSELF SO THAT I WILL BE THE GUILD OWNER!!! If you don't do as I said ^^^, prepare to face the wrath of Thanatos and the Undead Legion/Nulgath Nation. But anyway, here is the news on guilds!


Alina ‏@Alina_AE
Guilds Phase 1 is in staff testing now! We are still pushing to get Phase 1 out before September ends. Stay tuned for more news as it comes!


Alina ‏@Alina_AE
We are still planning on a member-only Guilds PTR, but want to make sure core functionality works first. No PTR until we get to that point.

Alina ‏@Alina_AE
We've had a lot of people asking for updates on how Guild-work is going, and there you go! It's "making good progress."
 -Lord Thanatos