With one more alliance made, we only need one more alliance to complete our next goal! The allance that I have made is with a clan called The Akatsuki, led by Orashi Kazayama the Forums and AQ Worlds. His clan is a Shinobi based clan, with ranks based on their Forums. I have also made a backup site. in case needed. Hope you like it, but it is under construction. I will try to import the Announcements there and some other stuff to make it better. If I can, I will make a Forum and that will be our where our Forum is. I haven't quite gotten it figured out yet. Anyway, my username is ShadowScytheElites for some reason. I guess it just went with the E-Mail I signed up with. Or, I'll make a new site for our clan, either way. It is also possible that we will permanatly move into www.ShadowScytheElites.webs.com and it might be our new permanent site. I am going to make a poll.
-Lord Thanatos
This is an AQ Worlds Clan that is dedicated to the ShadowScythe Empire, and yes, I know that it's a DragonFable picture. To find out how to join, refer to the bottom of the page.
"We are the best of the best. We know no bounds. Our only limits are the mortal bodies to which we are confined. We can conquer all of our enemies with a single swing of our blade. We are the ShadowScythe Elites and our actions will be remembered for eons to come." (Motto idea derived from Altair)
Here is a link to our Back-Up Site. Legion Slicer Silencer/ComputerDragon5, a Clan Official, made it using Webs. And here is our Back-Up, Back-Up Site that I made a while back.